High Atlantic temperatures bad sign for hurricane season; solar energy keeps expanding in Florida
High sea-surface temperatures are connected with more storm formations and an earlier start to hurricane season.
High sea-surface temperatures are connected with more storm formations and an earlier start to hurricane season.
Manatees have found shelter in warm-water discharges from power plants that may go offline over the next few decades.
Florida is among US leaders in producing solar energy and could easily claim the top spot in solar generation with ...
Florida has significant untapped potential for energy that is home grown, not imported through pipelines from out of state.
Demonstrators protested a developer's plan to build homes in habitat critical to the Florida panther.
Investments in clean energy have risen by 40% since 2020 and more than $1 billion per day is being spent ...
UF researchers analyzed data obtained from feathers of 871 birds found dead at solar and wind energy facilities in California.
A report surveying the damage done by Hurricane Ian found that newer roofs were the single most important upgrade.
Cow burps and flatulence are a significant contributor of heat-trapping methane emissions that contribute to climate change.
Florida was among the top states in solar generation and EVs but is only scratching the surface of its renewable ...
The Invading Sea is a nonpartisan source for news, commentary and educational content about climate change and other environmental issues affecting Florida. The site is managed by Florida Atlantic University’s Center for Environmental Studies in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science.
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